Monolith 7D4

The following WAV file is available for download:

MD5: 63D7A2288BEDFFA69C48CBC23BAC0906
SHA1: F9DEA1CFB0D99110C4553724FDF92B3594E00C6F

"7D4" is my original musical work. How original? Not only did I select each note by hand, but I also wrote the software that played the notes themselves. So, the song combines a unique score with a unique sound-generation process. The result is a piece that can be called my creation without any debate, and no one else can possibly claim rights to 7D4.

Why all of the fuss about originality? These points are important, since the 7D4 WAV is used as a Basis file with the Monolith system. Mono files generated using 7D4 as a Basis file are as unique as 7D4 itself. For someone to claim copyright over these generated Mono files, they would also have to claim copyright over 7D4.

I have placed 7D4, along with its WAV representation and its source .note file, in the public domain. Thus, 7D4 represents truly open-source music, since it is possible to modify the .note file and create derivative audio works.

Public Domain Dedication

Creation Process

The audio was generated with the Monolith noteGenerator program. You can download this program for your platform below (it must be run from the command line on all platforms):
Version 0.1 released on May 25, 2004 (change log)
DownloadGNU/Linux Intel X86version 0.1
DownloadGNU/Linux PPCversion 0.1
DownloadMac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar)version 0.1
DownloadWindows 95/98/NT/2000/XPversion 0.1
DownloadUnix Source (part of Monolith source package)version 0.1
Monolith's noteGenerator is free software (released under the GNU GPL)

The following file was used as input to the noteGenerator program:

The first line in this file contains the total song time in milliseconds. Each subsequent line represents a note in the following format:
start_time duration frequency loudness

Here is an example note line:
3000 7000 200 0.25

This note would start at the 3000 millisecond point, play for 7000 milliseconds, have a frequency of 200 Hz, and have a loudness of 25%. All notes decay linearly over their duration, starting at their loudness level and eventually reaching a loudness level of zero. The maximum loudness for any note is 1.0. After all notes are generated and mixed, the loudness of entire song is normalized (in other words, the loudness of all samples in the song is adjusted so that the loudest sample has a loudness of 1.0). The generated audio is saved as an AIFF file.

Jason Rohrer
May 25, 2004